Saturday, February 15, 2014

It's great to be back blogging.  It's been awhile since I last posted, but we've made a major life change over the last few months, and things are just starting to settle down.  We sold our home in a development and moved to our new farmette complete with a barn, pasture, woods and wildlife.  We moved in during the week  before Christmas 2013, and we've been battling the harsh winter while trying to unpack, paint, and get organized.  We moved our two sheep to the property, and added a third ewe to the flock.  We are planning our craft show schedule for the year, and look forward to getting even deeper into the fiber arts.  Stay tuned for more updates!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Catching up.........................

Things have been very busy and I haven't been paying attention to the blog.  Thought I would do a little catch up.  I attended the Maryland Sheep and Wool Show in early May and got lots of good ideas for projects.  We purchased a Lincoln X fleece and cleaned it,  to get curly staples for an upcoming project - a rya rug.  It's a long pile rug, made by hooking wool staples around the warp of your loom.  Can't wait to get started!

We are now certified fiber farmers - purchasing our first two ewes - Annie, a Romney; and Trudy, a Karakul.

I'll have much more to report as the summer progresses.  Making lots of great things, and preparing for sheep shearing in August and October. We will also be finalizing our fall craft show schedule so visit the web site for updates.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sheep to Shawl

Here's some pictures of the teams in action.

The arena was packed for the start of the competition and most of the crowd stayed for the 2 1/2 hours of time that was allotted.  It was a great demonstration of the fiber arts.  Many of the people watching were amazed to learn all the steps it takes to turn fiber into usable items and garments.  If you ever have the opportunity to attend, I would highly recommend it.

Fiber fun

I had the opportunity to visit the Pennsylvania Farm Show and see the "Sheep to Shawl" contest.  There were eight teams, and each team had six people who carded, spun, and wove.  The contest started out with each team shearing their sheep.  I followed the journey of a Romney named "Carter" as his fleece went from his back to the loom.  Here's a "before"  and "after" picture of Carter.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy holidays!

I've been finishing up some other winter related items, and here's a sneak preview of the one I'm working on now - "Winter" it's a Buttermilk Basin design.  I'm also finishing up this Santa - a Need'l Love design, and I finished rug hooking my "hit or miss" footstool topper!

Happy holidays to everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Finishing up loose ends..........

I am finishing up some items and starting to look towards the spring and summer seasons. I've got a couple loose ends that I need to finish up first from the holidays.  One of them is this beautiful needlepunch Santa from a Notforgotten Farm design.

I have started a "hit or miss" rug hook design that will eventually be the top of a footstool.  I should be starting some spring items shortly so come back often and check.  Thanks for stopping by.



Welcome to the initial post of my Oak Hollow Primitives blog.  I have been making primitive folk art all my life and about two years ago decided to share my work with others.  My husband and I create things in fiber, fabric, wood and tin and we travel to craft shows and festivals in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Our  most recent show was in Carlisle PA.  Here's some shots of our booth.  We were joined by our daughter who knits all natural fiber hats, scarfs and gloves.